It’s nearly time for the Army Lists for Castle Assault to be submitted. Lists should be sent to my email address,, by midnight on Sunday the 6th of October. Here are a few pointers:
- Why is timing so important for list submission?
For Castle Assault we use a team of at least 3 judges for marking the composition score for each list. There are a couple of considerations, from an organisers point of view, that we need some time to account for. Each list needs to be checked by me for errors and to make sure that the points add up correctly. Then I retype all of the lists into a standard format to make the task easier for the judges who have 60+ lists to mark. This step also reflects the need to keep each lists owner anonymous. - What format should I submit the list in?
The list should really be in Word, PDF, or Excel. Things like Notepad and HTML will be accepted, but are a little bit more difficult. Army Builder and the like are fine, but very importantly – It must have the Magic Lores for each of your mages identified!!! (Last year I had at least 3 or 4 that had no Lore for their mages, which makes marking the lists very difficult. Different Lores will affect comp scores and if there is none listed I guess we’ll have to assume that they are taking Death Magic )
*p.s. Pasting your list into the content of the email is not the best way to submit it. I can obviously copy and paste it, but it takes a bit longer and your formatting can be lost.
- What should I name the file?
Please make sure that the file you send your list in includes your name. Your name, and the army chosen, are probably the best label. I have to download 68 army lists and things labeled Castle Assault List or Castle Assault Lizardmen tend to get lost and lots of emails then need to be rechecked to find the owner.
- List Difficulty
When designing a list please consider the enjoyment level that your opponents are likely to get when facing it. For those coming along to their first tournament there may be an idea that “This is a tournament, so people will be there to win at all costs with very hard lists.” You’ll quickly find that this is not the case and because of the Composition scoring component (and also through self-control and a desire to try new things rather than “Min-Max” or “Net-lists”) that if you bring a “balls to the wall, hard as nails” list, you may be in the minority.
At Castle Assault we will be asking lists that are just too over-the-top to be resubmitted. The lists are scored out of 6 and the ones that just scrape through will get a 0. Those that are worse will be asked to go back and come up with something a little bit nicer [/principal’s voice]
- Other Tips
It’s a good idea to have your percentage for Lord, Hero, Core, Special and Rare listed. It’s a good confirmation for you and us that these limits have been adhered to. Please make sure that any purchased upgrades are listed such as Shredding Talons, Regen etc. I guess in general, if in doubt, include more information rather than less.
In general we are now getting very close to the tournament. If you have any questions about lists or their submission, please send them to me.