Welcome all.
Castle Assault is back for its 9th year!
With the demise of Warhammer the event has taken on a new path. What is becoming the norm the player don’tchange but the systems do. So to cater for the needs of the many this year we will have many events… well 4 to be exact.
Warhammer 9th Age
Kings of War
Flames of War
With only limited seating the events are given set seats if they dont fill them it goes to the next system.
Will Castle Assault be able to uphold with such a mix of systems?? Hell yes as all the players that you have come to know and love are still all in the one place they will just be playing a different system.
Is CAMoMA still a thing. Yes it is.
Can Fury still sing Mr Bright Side and make me wet my pants?? Yes he can and will.
Will Kendall say something completely random? We can only hope.
Will Nic actually win an event…? Sadly no as he is running the event.
Can Jack drink? Some say they have never seen him have more than 1 beer the entire day. Tis true..